• Life at Hospice House

“You Matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life.
We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully but also to live until you die.”

~ Dame Cicely Saunders, nurse, physician and writer, and founder of hospice movement (1918-2005).

People Matter

That’s the cornerstone behind the care at Hospice House. Our intention is to honour the unique needs, goals and wishes of the individual and family. Using compassion and empathy, the Hospice House care team walks alongside people in their journey with a life-limiting illness.

House Amenities

  • 24 private rooms, each with a self-contained bathroom, a bed with a specialized mattress, TV with cable, and a mini fridge
  • Set alongside Mill Creek with outdoor areas including gardens, pathways, sitting areas and gazebos
  • Dining rooms where families can enjoy meals together
  • Large, comfortable common areas
  • Serenity room
  • Two spa-like tub rooms
  • Free unlimited parking
  • Pet-friendly
  • Mobilizing & comfort equipment provided
  • Personal laundry is done on site
  • Nutritious meals for individuals


The 2024 daily per diem rate is $46.59 and BC Medical Services Plan pays the remainder. The per diem changes annually and is determined by the Ministry of Health. A temporary rate reduction is available for those who qualify.

The per diem individual charge does not cover:

  • Clothing and personal hygiene items
  • Personal medications (not covered by BC Palliative Benefit)
  • Costs of transportation to and from the facility
  • Meals for family members

Individuals are billed directly once per month from IHA Accounts Receivable/Payable out of Kamloops. Payment can be made by cheque/money order/credit card.

Long Term Care Billing Desk
Interior Health Authority
Phone: 1-866-314-2806
#200 235 Landsdowne Street
Kamloops, BC  V2C 1X8

What to Bring to Hospice House

  • Clothing
  • Pajamas, nightgown, robe, non-slip footwear
  • Any medical equipment you require (hearing aids, walking aids etc.)
  • Pillows and blankets (optional)
  • Personal care items
  • Small mementos and photos from home
  • Music you may enjoy
  • Specialty food items to store in mini-fridge


Admission to Hospice House is by referral and based on availability and is for people registered with the Central Okanagan Hospice Palliative Care Program. Registration starts with a conversation with a physician or nurse practitioner. Generally, people registered to the program have a prognosis of less than six months.

Hospice beds are short term and are intended for a stay of less than ninety days. Some people return home after their stay at Hospice House and are supported by the home palliative care team.

Any other questions?
For more information on our admission process or eligibility criteria please call 250-862-4126 and ask to speak to Hospice Nurse Coordinator.

Every Story is Unique

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